PreplyHomeEnglishWritingTask2-The dangers of smoking are known, yet many people still smokes

WritingTask2-The dangers of smoking are known, yet many people still smokes

People are raising awareness that smoking has negative impacts on their body, but still many of them continue to smoke. This essay will highlight some of the main problems of this and suggest several possible approaches to reduce the advearse effects resulting from smoking habit Many people believe that the habit of smoking can be formed from many reasons. Firstly, children suffer from social pressure and improper way of education from their parents in social skills and characteristics which have strongly impact on tobacco use. Many study show that the majority of smokers started to use cigarettes when they were teenagers as they just want to themselves mature enough through smoking and fit to the group of people in social. Secontly, many people think that using cigarettes is effective way to reduce stress after spending hours on the pressure of completing the task assigned. Although Smoking helps workers to decrease anxiety and depression feelings, there have a lot of chemical composition , would makes the smokers be addicted to smoke. The goverment could implement a range of measures to deal with the problem of smoking. The first solution would be to increase high tax for products related to cigarettes, this regulations would help to reduce the population of smoking as higher price leads to decrease customer demands. Another measure is that the government should ban tobacco advertisements in the media, due to the fact that tobacco companys usually make people believe that smoking will not effects on their health. Finally, it is impotant to cognitive education for both the young and adults about the dangerous of smoking which can cause many potential heath issues such as lung cancer, high blood pressure and mental health. This action can raise the awareness among peope and encourage them to give up smoking. In conclusion, many people aware the impacts of tobacco but they can not stop smoking habit. Various steps could be taken to takle the problem to reduce the proportion of smokers

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Hi Rosy Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hi Rosie

Writing is often the most neglection section of the IELTS exam and contributes 25% to the overall mark .

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Hi Rosie, The title of this essay should read - The dangers of smoking are known, yet many people still smoke. - Unfortunately, you had "smokeS".

As my two previous colleagues have stated, this forum is not for correcting work. That is the job of your selected tutor. Good luck, John

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Hi, Rosy! You have a clear argument and some good essay structure in this example.

However, some of your language choices can be strengthened in order to achieve a higher essay score. I suggest practicing some of the following:

  • Continue to review subject verb agreement and consider the verb forms you choose. You may want to analyze your verb choices in this essay, study some of the points you identify, and then revise the essay for stronger grammar choices.
  • Although your general structure shows that you understand the expectations of exam essays, you may want to work on strengthening your introduction and conclusion paragraphs. They are both a bit shorter than they could be. A good basic rule is to make sure your introduction tells the reader what you will write about, your body paragraphs should develop these ideas, and your conclusion paragraph should remind the reader of what you wrote about.

Preply has some great grammar topics in exactly these areas, and there are also some beautifully qualified tutors who specialize in exam essay writing. You will get access to the grammar materials as a Preply student, and your personalized tutor can help you more deeply understand how to apply these skills in your essays.

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