PreplyHomeEnglishWritingTask2:Some fell that schools should be gender, some not

WritingTask2:Some fell that schools should be gender, some not

Some feel that schools should be mixed with both girls and boys attending while others feel the genders ought to be separated. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. There are two schools of thought about coeducation and both are very vocal and passionate about their views. One group of people believe that schools ought to be mixed while some feel that schools must accommodate each gender separately. I believe that coeducation should be encouraged in all schools because it has numerous benefits that will help an individual in the long run. People who oppose coeducation cite multiple reasons for their belief. Firstly, they claim that students are distracted easily when the opposite gender is in the same classroom resulting in poor performance, therefore, single gender classrooms are better for ensuring better focus on studies. For instance, boys and girls spend more time and effort trying to impress the opposite gender instead of investing that time and effort on studies. Moreover, people are concerned about harassment of students, girls in particular, in coeducation settings. Although these concerns of parents and teachers are valid to an extent, they are still not convincing enough for abandoning coeducation system altogether because the advantages of coeducation far outweigh its disadvantages. Indeed, studying in coeducation settings helps students to learn how to interact with the opposite gender from an early age. This is likely to help individuals in the long run because real life interactions with the opposite gender are a necessity in the workplace and life in general. Moreover, interacting with the opposite gender helps to boost confidence and self esteem in individuals. For instance, giving a presentation in mixed gatherings is a frightening prospect for many but if an individual has been exposed to such a scenario from an early age they will manage to do it with ease. In addition to this, students are free to interact with the opposite gender out of school hours so it does not make much sense to prevent it during school hours. Furthermore, coeducation helps to keep students' behaviour in check and mixed classrooms are easier to control than single gender classrooms. Boys, in particular, wreck havoc in single gender classroom settings. In my opinion, the pros of coeducation are far more than its cons and, therefore, coeducation should be made mandatory in schools throughout the world. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the disadvantages of coeducation are minimal while the long term advantages are many. Grooming of personality and better communication skills of students are two major pros of studying in mixed schools, therefore, coeducation should be encouraged rather than discouraged.

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Hi Renata Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Fun and effective English tutor with MA TESOL and 12 years of experience

Renata, you make a number of strong arguments in this essay, and it is clear what your stance is.

Here are a few thoughts that could take this essay even farther:

  • Especially with a personal opinion topic such as this one, I suggest avoiding hyperbole (a fancy word for ‘exaggeration’). Are both sides ‘very vocal and passionate’ all the time? Are they so distinct and separate? You don’t necessarily need to deal with the grey area between these two sides, but especially with a topic like this, it might be important to use slightly less black/white language. 
  • Continue to study paraphrase and synonyms in order to add even more variety to how you describe essay topics. You could begin by studying how often you use certain words/phrases and looking for other ways to say these things. This exercise will help your brain to develop this skill, and you’ll expand your vocabulary as well.

Of course, I understand that vocabulary building is a continuous process! Have you tried the Preply Vocab tool? It’s a wonderful way to quickly practice target vocab from any place you use your Preply app. I would suggest looking for a Preply tutor who specializes in IELTS or TOEFL. They can help you apply the vocab you are learning to your exam essays while also helping you dig into essay strategies.

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