PreplyHomeEnglishWriting task 2: Some believe people should fight climate change

Writing task 2: Some believe people should fight climate change

The views of people differ greatly on whether climate change should be tackled fiercely, or should people accept it as a reality and learn to live with it. In my opinion, people must make collective efforts to counter climate change and its deleterious effects. Indeed, climate change is an ongoing process that has had an enormous, mostly negative, impact on the environment. People who oppose any action to mitigate climate change do so claiming that climate change is a natural process that has been going on for centuries. They believe that any effort to stop climate change is futile and a waste of resources, instead, people are better off learning to live with it and adapting to the changes. For instance, people should get used to living in hotter temperatures during summers as a result of climate change. Moreover, most people holding this view also feel that climate change and its effects have been exaggerated in recent times and it is not an issue worthy of attention and prompt action. In my opinion, however, climate change is an issue that requires prompt collective action of mankind because its deleterious impact on the planet can be disastrous for humans. Humans have played a role to accelerate climate change and, as a result, today temperatures throughout the world have risen. For instance, this year Canada registered its hottest temperature ever recorded. This situation has come about due to the imprudent actions of mankind and a complete disregard to the environment. Extensive deforestation and destruction of the ozone layer due to toxic fumes generated in factories are a few examples of humans' role in acceleration of the process of climate change. The disastrous consequences of climate change warrant collective efforts to reverse it or slow it down at least. For instance, melting of glaciers due to climate change could result in a catastrophe with flooding of low lying areas everywhere. Therefore, it is only understandable that people must take this issue seriously and put in all possible efforts to fight it. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that, in my opinion, people who are unconcerned about climate change should learn about its disastrous effects and they must, along with those who are already aware of them, take part in efforts to counter it so that we can collectively prevent a catastrophe.

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Hi Rod Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Hi, Rod! Nice work showing off your high-level vocabulary and your understanding of essay formats.

You’re at a nice place to begin digging into the finer details of writing development. Here are a couple points that would be good to explore with a Preply tutor:

  • Although you have a lovely vocabulary, some of your phrasing stands out as less than natural. This is a very picky point, but because you are of a high level, it something you could study in order to become even more ‘native-like’ (if that is your goal). Consider your opening sentence: You use ‘...or should people accept…’; however, because this is embedded, I’d suggest adjusting to, ‘...or if people should accept….’
  • Study your writing to see which words/phrases are being used more than a couple times. For example, you use many versions of ‘collective effort.’ In order to show off your synonym skills, you might want to practice various ways to describe this collective action without using a form of the word ‘collective.’

These are very fine details, but they are exactly the sort of thing that can help you achieve a high score on a written exam. Of course, vocab and spelling check tools will generally miss the types of details I have pointed out. Your best resource would be a Preply tutor who can study your essay writing with you and help to guide to toward even greater language proficiency! I’d suggest searching for Preply tutors with IELTS or TOEFL specialties. 

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