PreplyHomeEnglishWritingTask2: It is a natural process for animals species to became extinct

WritingTask2: It is a natural process for animals species to became extinct

Conservation of endangered animal species is a topic for hot debate. Some people believe that efforts for conserving endangered species are futile since it is a natural process for species to become extinct. I disagree with this notion because, although extinction of certain animal species is a natural process, humans have played a role to accelerate this process, therefore, mankind should protect the endangered species and prevent their extinction. Indeed, mankind has caused great damage to the environment and natural habitat of many animals. Apart from that, direct damage to certain species by excessive hunting and poaching has led to endangerment of some animal species. In my opinion, it is our responsibility to learn from our past mistakes and work to rectify it. This can be done by protecting the endangered species and preventing their extinction. Moreover, another incentive for conserving endangered species is biodiversity which is crucial for the environment and for humans as well. Extinction of one animal species can negatively impact other animal species as well as the entire ecosystem. Furthermore, some endangered animal species directly benefit humans in many ways. For instance, today, bees are one specie that is close to extinction and, as we know, they are responsible for the production of honey and they are also required for the dissemination of pollen which is pivotal for the growth of plants. Extinction of bees could have far reaching impacts like a decrease in density of forests and extinction of honey. Those who oppose conservation measures fail to comprehend the impacts of extinction of a specie. I believe extinction of any animal specie should be prevented because their presence in this planet somehow benefits mankind since ecosystem and biodiversity are closely interrelated. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that it is no secret that mankind has accelerated the process of extinction of some animal species, therefore, to prevent the consequent negative impacts of their extinction to the ecosystem and nature, it is imperative that collective efforts are made to conserve the endangered species.

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Hi Rosy Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Hello, Rosy! You have a beautifully direct and clear argument in this essay, and you took the opportunity to show off the range of your English skills.

Here are a couple thoughts to take your writing further:

  • There is some repetition of ideas, especially toward the beginning of your essay. For example, between your introduction paragraph and the opening statements of your first body paragraph, the reader doesn’t gain much new information or insight. You might want to more clearly focus your first body paragraph on harm done by humans, and save the more specific effects of this harm for the second body paragraph.
  • Using the specific example of bees creates a stronger second paragraph. You may wish to mimic this with another specific example that helps you focus and build the first paragraph.

With just a little more work on clarifying and separating your ideas, you will arrive at body paragraphs that have strong development from main idea to specific example and concluding idea. By working with a Preply tutor, you can explore various ways to do this and get quick feedback on your writing. There are a number of highly qualified Preply tutors who are happy to use lessons as writers workshops. I suggest searching for IELTS or TOEFL experts.

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