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how to write a formal letter?

I try to write a formal letter. Can I use "I hope everything is going well with you." in the beginning? Maybe I should say "I hope you are doing well"?

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English Tutor
Certified English Language teacher with 25 years of experience

Strictly speaking, a formal letter should not ask about the person's well-being. It is much more direct and gets to the point immediately. The best option for an opening line in a formal letter is to tell the person why you are writing the letter: --Dear Mrs. Smith, --I am writing to + verb.... The sentence should state your reason---I am writing to inform you...I am writing to complain..I am writing to request..etc. The sentence should not contain any contractions, (*I'm) and should not contain vague words such as get, take, have etc. IF there is a more specific word. (get-arrive, get-receive, etc.) if you have a paper dictionary, the middle section may have a section on letter writing.

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please tell me how i start first sentence in letter for example iam writting purpose of visit

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English Tutor
TEFL Certified Native English Teacher with 5 years Experience.

If the formal letter is addressed to either an acquaintance or someone you know fairly well, it would seen cold and indifferent not to add a pleasantry at the beginning. In this instance you could say: ``I hope you have been keeping well´´. Of course there’s a chance that they had a terrible week or that they’re far from ‘well’ ,but the acknowledgement of our mutual humanity is the real message, rather than any concrete hopes.

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English Tutor
English Teacher with 15 years experience of all levels

If the letter is "formal" regardless of how much you have met or seen that person, then its always best to start the greeting as: Good day I hope all is well at your end....

If the letter is extremely formal, like a business letter or back and forth with bank or something similar, then there is no need of any pleasant openings. You just have to start the letter with the inquiry and make it as short as possible.

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