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Is it correct to say

"helping you fly high" "we help you fly high" fly high with us etc

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Your Spanish teacher from Mexico 10+ years of experience

Yes, it's correct.

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Synonym to however?

I feel like I'm overusing "however" in my writing. Any cool word I can use to logically connect my s...

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English Tutor

Hi Peter,

You can use the following:

although, though, on the other hand, despite this, in contrast, in comparison, whereas, while

Be careful about where in the sentence you use them.

Hope this helps,


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“More so” or moreso?

I think I read that moreso is a word you can replace "more so" with. Even now when I'm typing Gramma...

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English Tutor

Hi Pavlo,

Although 'moreso' is entering the English langauge, more so is still more widely recognised and accepted. I would use more so, for now.

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How many english words are there?

Is it possible to know all the English words? How many words should I learn daily? Which tools shoul...

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English Tutor
Certified and experienced tutor and storyteller

The Oxford English Dictionary lists 171,476 words in current use. It also lists 47,156 words now considered obsolete. About 50% of the words are nouns, 25% are adjectives, 15% are verbs leaving 10% for the other parts of speech. The average native English speaker knows about 35,000 words but uses a vocabulary of only 20,000 words. A university analysis of the Wall Street Journal which examined 10 years of publications discovered that the newspaper used about 20,000 different words in total during that time. By comparison, scholars estimate that Shakespeare had a vocabulary of 65,000 words. One more fun fact. The longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary is 45 letters long and is the medical name for a lung disease. If you were to learn 3 words a day that would add 1000 words to your vocabulary in a year. But to be more effective you want to encounter language rather than just learn random words. Watch English television or other videos, talk to people who speak English, read newspapers (20,000 words) and of course take lessons. Learn the words you encounter and would use in daily life. Memorizing a 45 letter word for a lung disease would not be the best use of your time.

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Hi Jake

Context clues can help readers understand an unfamiliar word.

What are context clues?

They are hints found in a sentence or paragraph that a reader can use to understand the meaning of new or unfamiliar words.

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Difference between the denotative and connotative?

What is the difference between the denotative and connotative?

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Hi Jake

What is the distinction between connotation and denotation? Good guys sell short! Why selling short is good for the market! Both terms are about meaning, which falls in the realm of semantics. Denotation is just the precise definition of a word. Connotation refers to the variety of associations — perhaps “baggage” — that a word carries. Good dictionaries typically give a sense of both denotation and connotation.

A couple examples:

Rose is a certain type of flower coming in various colors, such as red. But a red rose also has the connotation of love, romance, etc. Sleep has the denotation of a state of (semi)unconscious rest. It can have connotations relating to death, being oblivious (“asleep at the wheel”), and so on. (Note that when animals are “put to sleep” that means they are euthanized and die; you could call this a euphemism, or you could say that sleep has expanded its denotations to literally mean death in that particular phrase.

You can think of denotation at the center of a word’s semantic (meaning) space, and connotation as a cloud of associations surrounding the denotation. The denotation of a word can change over time to expand into that “cloud of connotation” — or expand to formally adopt a former connotation as now being part of the denotation. For example, nurse (and its earlier forms) referred to women who were foster-mothers or wet nurses; eventually, the meaning expanded into nurse in the sense of a person caring for the sick or injured, but still carried the connotation of being a woman’s profession; at this time, nurses may be male or female, so the connotation is changing and has changed for many speakers of English.

Thus you can see that the boundaries between denotation and connotation are not carved in stone — they can and do change with usage and evolve over time. Also, connotation provides a springboard for metaphors, similes, symbolism, and so on.

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Would you like to become a fluent English speaker? Then my classes are perfect for you! I am a certified tutor with 3 years experience, Book your first session right now and start speaking English from day 1!

Hi Jocelyne

You can book as many lessons as you want with a teacher.

Best wishes on your journey Shirley

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Hello Pavlo! As Cambridge dictionary says it means ''to join an activity that has become very popular or to change your opinion to one that has become very popular so that you can share in its success.

For example: There are so many people who started to be famous by taking videos that many others are still jumping on the bandwagon.

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you scareaway your creativity be demanding it pay for your entire existense

What's dishonorable is scaring away your creativity by demanding that it (pay) for your entire exist...

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Medical English & OET Teacher, Nurse & Language Assessor

Hi Amr,

This is the English subjunctive mood, which is very rarely used. The verb here doesn't need a tense to tell us about time because it's not a real situation. We often use it for desires and suggestions. I will try and give you some other examples.

He suggested (that) I visit his city. (notice that this sentence also includes an optional that.)

It's also used in phrases like God save (not saves) the Queen and If I were you ....( although you also hear If I was you now).

But it is rarely used these days.


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Should I take TOEFL or IELTS exams?

Which one is most valued by employers?

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They're both good for 2 years, so it really doesn't matter if your school/company isn't telling you that you have to take a specific one. They just have different questions and strategies.

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